Identification |
Official Latin term | arteria caudae pancreatis |
Official term | artery to tail of pancreas |
Unit identifier | TAH:U4241 |
Unit type | single |
Materiality | material |
Navigation |
Partonomy |
TAH:E10200 |
human body
TAH:U3568 | |
TAH:U3725 | |
TAH:U3769 | |
TAH:U4173 | |
TAH:U4196 | |
TAH:U4207 | |
TAH:U4235 | |
TAH:U4236 | |
TAH:U4241 | artery to tail of pancreas |
Taxonomy |
FMA:14793 | artery to tail of pancreas |
Date: 28.06.2023 |